My interview on New TV.

"World of Shapes" contemporary, cubism solo exhibition in 2018

                     "The Flower", acrylic on canvas 150x100cm 

              Titled: " My Other Half"acrylic on canvas 100x150cm

                    "The Hug" acrylic on canvas, 100x150cm
                     "My Sunshine" 100x150cm acrylic on canvas.

Titled: " The Love Seat" acrylic on canvas 100x80 cm  SOLD

Titled: " Moving with the rhythm" 80x60 cm acrylic on canvas. SOLD

Nicole with Dr Abou Hoson and his wife Diana, art lovers and collectors, at the opening of "World of Shapes."

                  Titled: "The Ring"  acrylic on canvas,100x150 cm 

    Titled:  "You Raise me Up" acrylic on canvas 100x150cm    SOLD

 " World of Shapes" contemporary solo exhibition by gallerist artist Nicole Karam.

Titled: "Woman in a Chair" 100x80 cm. Acrylic on canvas. 

Titled "The Singer" acrylic on canvas 90x70 cm.   SOLD

Titled "World of Shapes" acrylic on canvas 100x150 cm. SOLD

This painting was acquired by deputy Yacoubian.

Tothe clients that acquired my artwork I say; You acquired a piece of my mind, soul, creativity, ideas, precious time, and above all, a sight that only exists in my imagination.
Nicole Karam

When asked about my style in art, my answer is always: 
"Being a figurative artist allows me to tell a story or deliver a message through my figures, abstract for me is just the background." Nicole Karam

Nicole with her sister art collector Murielle Hageand sister in law Nancy Karam.